SWISS OUTDOORS . Zumsteg Collection
A company of the WILLISAU GROUP.
Our garden furniture is naturally good. We make useful beauties of high-quality stainless steel, glimmering granite, smooth ceramics and atmospheric glass. Our collection covers fix and functional tables, chairs and small pieces of furniture in timeless design. Since 1970, we are making all ZUMSTEG pieces of furniture in our own workshops – precision is a point of honour! Straight lines and extraordinary constructions are our brand mark. Also, developing new shapes inspires us. We are innovative, you are individual: We will also realize the design piece of furniture that matches your nature.
We. The Zumsteg team of the WILLISAU GROUP.
SWISS OUTDOORS . Zumsteg Collection
Farbwelten . Materialien . Farben
As a specialst for garden furniture we make sure that you can fully enjoy to dwell in nature or on the terrace. Our collection combines quality and know how. The ZUMSTEG team works with every material on the highest level as true Swissquality obliges.
Simply order suitable care sets for tables and chairs online in the webshop.
All care sets have been tested on our materials and surfaces. The shop is operated by our partner and care specialist LCK GmbH.
OUTLET STORE . Designerstücke zum Sonderpreis
Kataloge . Broschüren . Downloads
Passende Gleiter für Stühle einfach online nachbestellen.
In unserem Webshop finden Sie nahezu alle Gleiter, Stopfen oder Basiskomponenten unserer Stuhlmodelle aus der aktuellen Kollektion. Sofern heute noch zu beschaffen oder durch uns bevorratet bieten wir dort auch Zubehörteile aus längst vergangenen Zeiten an. Einfach im Suchfeld Artikelnummer oder Produktname eingeben und die Ergebnisse ggf. nach der gesuchten Gestell-Version weiter eingrenzen.